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These attacks are mal(icious)!

With an ever-changing cyber world, we are constantly needing to change our approach to prevent cyber attacks from happening.  It can help by staying up to date with the latest in cyber criminals methods of attack.

Once detected, our specialists, localise the threat and stop it before it gets to the point of no return. Early detection is the only way to save yourself from data loss, this is why having a multi-layered cyber security defense system in place and the right security partner can save you money, time and stop confidential information being compromised!

In case you are unsure of what a malicious attack is, these types of attacks are attempts to forcefully take control of someone’s computer and gain access to their data through different methods, that once activated, will take the form of executable code, active content, scripts and other software. The different attacks are described by different names, depending on how they are spread through your environment. Some of these are described as worms and trojan horses among many other terms.

Here is an example of one type of worm that was detected in an attack and stopped by team J2 Software:

Ramnit- It’s is a specific worm that spreads via USB drives by infecting files.  The target of this worm is to get access to data such as passwords and online banking login details. They are also used to set up remote access tools on an infected computer/device in order to maintain back door connectivity.

Ransomware has become the most popular form of malware.  This is when the cyber criminals gain access and lock you out of your device and demand a ransom.  Only once you pay the ransom will you regain access. It is never a good idea to pay the ransom and feed this type of attack. It is far more effective to put measures in to prevent the attack from gaining a foothold in the first place. Without the right cyber security approach, you can imagine how messy this can get, no matter the size of your business. When it happens to a large corporation, millions can be lost and to SME’s a successful cyber attack can lead to the closure of the business.

To avoid these types of attacks do not click on any suspicious looking links, never insert an unknown usb or open any unknown files that are downloaded from the internet, especially when you do not know the sender. Make sure all of your employers, employees, friends and family know not to fall victim.

We are here to help you become more aware and to monitor so that you can feel Cyber Safe!

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Olivia Hannah Coetzee

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