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9 Years of J2 Software

April 2015 has arrived already and there seems to be no slow down. I can’t believe that we have been in business for 9 years... That’s right – little J2 Software is 9 years old this month. With April coming around again I spent a short time thinking about how things have changed in this time.  I think back to our early days - where the two of us shared a desk, printer and single 3G data card - itching to make a success of our business.


I also remember our good friends who helped us along the way - family and friends who believed in us and to a point shared my vision. I recall the early months going from meeting to meeting, emailing and calling and calling and emailing. There were long nights and early mornings and hard graft convincing our prospective customers to trust these two much younger versions of ourselves with the task of securing information to protect against the insider threat. Nobody had heard of the product and many hours were spent educating anybody who would listen. They were good times. Exciting times.

So much has changed from those early days. The need for protective monitoring is no longer a nice-to-have - today it is vital. The world is full of stories of data breaches and fraud.

New laws have been passed and are in the process of being passed – meaning that you now have much more to cover in the same amount of time with less budget.

When we launched we didn’t need to worry about BYOD, compliance rules, POPI the globe is a new place - with new technologies coming around almost every week. It is an exciting place to be.

This rapid change in the technology environment has influenced the way user’s access information. This has been driven by the unprecedented growth of a multitude of devices, mobile access apps for email and cloud services. This continually blurs the line of where the office ends and external access starts. It has been a challenge for every organisation and we are starting to increase the adoption of multiple technologies to cover the changing areas of risk for our clients.

It has also meant that we needed change and to adapt and we have added several new and exciting solutions and services to meet the changing requirements. Because of this the J2 Software stable has grown to offer various offerings to protect your information and help you remain compliant in a changing world.

I am glad to say that one thing hasn’t changed - J2 Software still provides world class solutions baked by our promise to over-service our customers. We will continue to be driven by customer satisfaction long into the future. Jason and I are still as committed as ever to provide real business value to our customers and to watch the growth of J2 Software into the next 10 years.

To all our customers old and new THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU for being part of this journey and if you are not a customer yet - you should be asking yourself why not?

So get in touch on our Contact Us page - we are here to help.

J2 Software is now set for rapid growth into our 10th year. What a decade it will have been.

Cheers for now



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