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Compliance is knowing

You cannot swing a laptop without hitting a major data breach these days. Internationally there are lawsuits launched every day. Security officers are being raked over the coals and their integrity and qualifications are being scrutinised and questioned. People are infuriated by the losses, financial and reputational (even worse) to their businesses and themselves.

Does anyone really think there is anything different in South Africa?

The latest string of major breaches are aimed at businesses with security budgets that are larger than the annual turnover of most South African businesses. It is nothing short of naïve to think this can’t happen or is not actually happening, to you.

I live by the mantra that there are two types of businesses – those who have been breached and those that don’t know that they have been breached. Do you know where your business fits in? We live in a South Africa driven by digital migrations and evolving data security and compliance laws and regulations, the life of the chief information officer (CIO) is complex. Where should they start?

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Complying with data privacy legislations

"J2 Software is excited to present our approach to security at AfriSecure in October. We will present a workshop that will highlight how real visibility will help you not only understand what is really going on in the modern business, but also how this will improve your security. Without total visibility you cannot be secure or compliant."

J2 Software launched in 2006 to provide their customers with practical solutions to improve security and ensure compliance with changing ICT codes and privacy laws. J2 Software believes that you cannot continue to do security in the same way it has always been done and expect different results. It is this belief that drives their Cyber Security Centre experts to deliver superior and modern solutions.

We read about new threats and see new breaches every day. The world has changed, threats have changed, yet most businesses still deploy only traditional security. Come down to AfriSecure and let J2 Software show you how real and total visibility of activity across your environment will allow you to provide proactive security to your organisation. J2 Software will let you answer some tough questions in seconds, rather than weeks or months.

Read more …Complying with data privacy legislations

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Afrimat boosts IT security through J2 partner agreement


Afrimat, a leading open pit mining company providing industrial minerals and construction materials, has enhanced its security profile through a comprehensive new IT security partnership with value-added ICT firm J2 Software.

With a limited IT team in-house, Afrimat has partnered with J2 managed security services to improve its security posture across five key risk areas: emails, endpoints, internet access, mobile device management and human behaviour tracking. 

Johan du Plessis, General Manager Technology Systems at Afrimat, says in the current environment, in which cyber-crime is proliferating, Afrimat sought significantly enhanced security without having to grow its in-house resources or immediately implement a wave of new solutions. “By partnering with J2, we gained a team of cyber security experts on our side, who carried out a thorough risk assessment, developed a cyber security roadmap that addressed our business’s needs, and implemented appropriate solutions.”

J2 deployed Mimecast, Zscaler, Webrooot endpoint solution and Dtex SystemSkan to address Afrimat’s current security priorities.

Read more …Afrimat boosts IT security through J2 partner agreement

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J2 Software Showcases Cyber Security Centre at 2017 Security Summit

J2 Software Showcases Cyber Security Centre at 2017 Security Summit

J2 Software has revealed it will showcase its highly successful Cyber Security Centre (CSC) at the forthcoming ITWeb 2017 Security Summit, taking place in Johannesburg between the 15th and 19th May.

J2 Software launched its CSC earlier this year with a view to supporting businesses to improve both information security and aid compliance.

John Mc Loughlin, MD, J2 Software says J2 Software’s main theme at the Summit will be “Lifting the curtain on Information Security”. “Our drive and value proposition to the country’s business community revolves around providing real visibility.”

The CSC was launched amid a growing need from the businesses for better security in an environment where cyber breaches are wrecking financial havoc but even worse, brand denigration resulting in long term loss of business as customer trust is lost.

“The Security Summit is the perfect platform for us to showcase what the CSC is already achieving for businesses around South Africa. We will reveal our approach to providing businesses of all sizes with real and practical solutions to evolving cyber threats – and can show how we deliver this via the J2 Cyber Security Centre.”

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J2 Cyber Security Centre – The threats keep rolling in…

Cape Town Thursday April 20, 2017: J2 Software launched its Cyber Security Centre just over three months ago and the company reports on the success of the venture in the midst of a cyber crime onslaught.

J2 Software, MD, John Mc Loughlin says it has been a busy time for all involved. “The J2 team have been hard at work dealing with the challenge of ever changing threats. We have continually amended our approach to keep up with the needs of customers and the ultimate goal of keeping their businesses secure.” He adds the last few months has seen them implementing processes and procedures aimed at adding even more value for customers. “The new measures are also to ensure that we are constantly at the top of our game.”

Mc Loughlin says that despite the ever changing face of attacks certain things have remained constant.

“What has remained constant is the J2 team’s obsessive commitment to providing the highest level of service to customers of all sizes through the provision of real value-driven security services and risk assessments delivered by approachable and knowledgeable professionals. Unfortunately, the other constant in our business is the growth in the number of cyber-attacks being orchestrated each and every day.

Read more …J2 Cyber Security Centre – The threats keep rolling in…

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