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Make security part of your company’s DNA

The world is a new place – social networks are no longer fads for youngsters but have evolved into valuable business tools for the modern business. They include rich applications, real time interactions and all the user generated content you can consume. Local IT security expert and managing director of J2 Software, John Mc Loughlin, warns companies to act quickly and protect their information assets and the privacy of their electronic identity.

“You cannot go through a week without hearing about some major security breach – the news of which spreads globally in minutes in our inter-connected world. African companies are not even disclosing their breaches as we are not mandated to do so. With more than a billion active people on social networks around the world, it is crucial for companies to realise the importance of ensuring their information is protected and their risk is minimised,” he says.

Read more …Make security part of your company’s DNA

  • Hits: 2477

Protective Monitoring’s Role in Mature Security Programs

Continuous end-point visibility has a massive role to play in mature security programs. Our customers with mature security programs have invested heavily in perimeter secu¬rity, logging, and enhanced server / endpoint controls, and still see significant improve¬ment in their security posture from the endpoint visibility and risk scoring delivered by Dtex’s SystemSkan.

I can provide some examples of customer findings in locked-down companies:

Read more …Protective Monitoring’s Role in Mature Security Programs

  • Hits: 3153

The Problem with DLP

Dtex Systems, the developer of SystemSkan recently did a review with several clients to look at the reasons why Data Loss Prevention (DLP) fails.

“Despite spending billions on DLP technology, enterprises still leak data every day. We repeatedly hear the same stories from companies struggling to get value out of DLP,” says John Mc Loughlin, Managing Director of J2 Software, the African distributor of SystemSkan.

He adds that Dtex Systems’ discussions with customers, as well as further investigation about DLP, highlighted the following common points:

Read more …The Problem with DLP

  • Hits: 2812

Fighting the outsider threat

JohnBusinesses need a full view of the network, not just what is entering it, but what is going on inside, says John McLoughlin, MD of J2 Software.

It is common sense that the sooner an attack is identified, the faster it can be contained and mitigated, limiting the fallout as much as possible. Businesses need to supplement their traditional security tools and protocols with skilled incident response teams, forensic tools and technologies that provide a full view of the network, not just what is entering the network, but what is going on inside.

Read more …Fighting the outsider threat

  • Hits: 2487

Stop illegitimate mails - save money, increase productivity

JohnWhen the Web was in its infancy, spam was a minor annoyance, and not much more. However, as with all other aspects of the Web, spam has evolved into something far more dangerous that is costing business enormously, in terms of bandwidth, productivity and downtime.

"To get a handle on the size of the spam problem, we need to look at the tidal wave of unsolicited e-mails that is drowning the enterprise," says John Mc Loughlin, MD of J2 Software. "Reports estimate that as much as 80% of the billions of e-mails sent on a daily basis are spam. These illegitimate mails clog up and waste expensive bandwidth, put strain on servers, and waste time and money delivering these e-mails to the intended mailboxes, and even more in sifting through them."

Read more …Stop illegitimate mails - save money, increase productivity

  • Hits: 2644