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Why won’t they act?

There seems to be many organisations who speak a good game in press releases, board packs and similar visible public platforms – but show a very different face behind the scenes. I find it of deep concern that ICT risk is typically not escalated to the executive team, including the CFO. The more valuable a businesses’ intellectual property is, the higher the chances that cyber criminals will try to get their hands on it, and this is a business problem, not a technology problem.

The most deadly and damaging attacks today are aimed specifically at an organisation’s data, people, systems, and vulnerabilities. Attacks are more sophisticated than ever before, and more cunning and stealthy.

So how do we explain the phenomenon that when we identify the risk – it is not acted on? Is this because the ICT team feel that if they bring the risk out in the open they may lose face; or even worse – their job? Is it that there is not enough “pressure” actually placed on the business at the highest level to address ICT risks or are we simply dealing with severe cases of denial – if we deny the fact we are exposed to risk; then hopefully it will go away?

Read more …Why won’t they act?

  • Hits: 2006

9 Years of J2 Software

April 2015 has arrived already and there seems to be no slow down. I can’t believe that we have been in business for 9 years... That’s right – little J2 Software is 9 years old this month. With April coming around again I spent a short time thinking about how things have changed in this time.  I think back to our early days - where the two of us shared a desk, printer and single 3G data card - itching to make a success of our business.

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It's a whole new world! Or is it?

It is a great time at J2 Software and we are excited to launch our brand new website. We had a look at our web presence and realised that we had not kept our site as current as our solution set.

So much has changed in the last year and it is about time we showcased it. J2 Software represents awesome brands and this allows our clients to get full visibility over the network and ensure that the right level of control is implemented to ensure compliance. J2 believes in providing real solutions to real business problems.

Read more …It's a whole new world! Or is it?

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